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Not Just Drops – Water 4 All

Water is not a commodity, it is a human right essential for survival, or as the UN defines it “to the full enjoyment of life”. This is stated in the UN Millennium Development Goals.

While people in the Western world waste water in huge amounts, over 730 million people in
Africa, South-East Asia and Latin America live without clean drinking water.

As a result, over three million people die of water related diseases every year. The food
supply also depends on sufficient water supply.

Moreover, in some countries, the water supply is privatized and unaffordable for the poorer population.

When we talk about water, we are also talking about energy: producing water requires
energy and the energy production in turn needs large amounts of water. For example, in Saudi Arabia water desalination takes in more than a half of the kingdom’s
domestic oil consumption. In a future already doomed by the shortage of energy natural
resources, providing clean water even in rich Saudi Arabia will be a big challenge.

Almost every commodity you buy is produced with the help of water. Just to give you an idea, the production of one kg of cheese takes in 5000 liters of water and the production of one kg of beef meat requires an astonishing 15500 liters.

We must not forget that the amount of water on the planet is limited. Water consumption in
the world is doubling every twenty years. In less than a decade 2.7 billion people will suffer
from the scarcity of water.

Those are the reasons why water is becoming a cause for conflicts. Iraq, Syria, Turkey
and Sudan are already experiencing this situation.

Despite everything, international institutions and local governments seem not to pay enough
attention on an issue that will determine the future of every single inhabitant of the World.

That is why we need you to take action and activate the people around you. Your everyday
choices affect all of us.
Follow us, share this page, take part in the discussions and learn more about water in your
country and worldwide.

In the future we don’t want to have just drops, but water for all.

Hello world! It’s us :)